Wednesday 24 February 2010

The fear of flying

The fear or phobia of flying can hold people back from enjoying the freedom of traveling to a chosen destination; this can be a real problem in a social or business environment. At Wessex hypnotherapy located close to Bournemouth and Poole I have helped many people to deal with this phobia.

The mere thought of going to the airport and boarding an aeroplane can be a traumatic experience for the person with aerophobia or aviatophobia. Quite often as the weeks decrease to the actual flight date, the person can show more and more signs of being stressed, anxious, or even start to have panic attacks at the thought of boarding the plane.

In some severe cases the person may actually force themselves to go to the airport only to find that they cannot board the aeroplane. This causes even more stress and tension for all concerned.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy, hypnosis and hypno-analysis are effective in helping people deal with the fear of flying. Using hypnosis and hypno-analysis we can find the unconscious cause(s) of all this anxiety and release any negative bottled-up emotions and when the emotions are released, the symptoms disappear, leaving the person much more relaxed and confident.

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