Friday 5 March 2010

Social phobia

Successful treatment for social phobia, the fear of being put on the spot, shyness, blushing, and feeling embarrassed in Poole, Bournemouth, Wimborne and Dorset using hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

This is best described as a feeling of being put on the spot, fear of being of being embarrassed, humiliated or judged. Symptoms may also include a feeling of being out of breath, almost like a panic attack, excessive perspiring and a feeling of anxiety. A recent report in the U.S. concluded that up to 13% of the adult population suffer from this.

The D.S.M. IV (the mental health 'bible') lists social anxiety as: "A marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears that he/she will act in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing.

What does this feel like?

Situations such as social events like dinner parties, going out to meet other people or just going to the shops can prove to be a real nightmare for the social phobic. Their symptoms often include panic attacks, fear of being rejected, a feeling of not being good enough and being concerned how people see you. Blushing easily, no confidence, a lack of eye contact, are also common experiences.

Sufferers may also suffer from making phone calls and worry continually about a forth coming event.

There is often a fear of meeting new people, and the social phobic will keep their ideas and thoughts to themselves for fear of being ridiculed.

As stated earlier some of the physical symptoms experienced can be a panic attack, excessive perspiration, having dizzy spells, your heart pounding, or just being out of control.

How can Hypnotherapy help?

Social phobia always starts in childhood and often the symptoms may get progressively worse as times goes by.

Analytical therapy (hypno-analysis) is an extremely effective way of finding out what the root cause of the problem is. With the use of hypnosis and hypno-analysis the root cause of the anxiety can be located and so the negative emotions that surround the problem can be released thus dissolving the problem for good.

When the emotions are released the symptoms disappear and the result is a much more confident self assured outgoing person. Help for social phobia using hypnotherapy and hypnosis is available in Bournemouth, Poole and the surrounding areas of Dorset.

1 comment:

  1. I had anxiety before, but I got a lot better now, thanks to I HIGHLY recommend ordering from them, they have a section on their website for anxiety pills and the best part there is no prescription required!!! uc
