Wednesday 10 March 2010

What are obsessions and OCD?

This problem is a serious anxiety-related condition that affects as many as three in a hundred people.

At Wessex Hypnotherapy Centre in Bournemouth and Poole every client is treated in a friendly, sensitive manner, and you can rest assured of the strictest confidentiality.

Most people suffering from obsessions or OCD experience repetitive, intrusive and unwelcome thoughts, images, impulses and doubts which they find hard to ignore.
The sufferer will try in vain to reduce their feelings of anxiety in some form of activity for example:

* Constantly washing their hands
* Worrying about germs
* Checking door locks or cooker switches
* Wanting everything to be just perfect
* Constant negative thought patterns
* Always cleaning everything
* Counting and hoarding things
* Partaking in endless rumination

The obsessional will often find that after doing their activity they never seem to feel any better, and still do not have that peace of mind that they were searching for. So the circle of behaviour continues without any real satisfaction achieved.
What are compulsions?

Compulsions are an irresistible urge to perform a certain task or activity. The person will feel some reward for their actions, maybe even a feeling of satisfaction for a while. When the stress and tension in this persons life increases their compulsive behaviour will also increase often causing feelings of guilt for their actions. Some of their behaviour patterns may include:

* Binge drinking
* Gambling
* Drug addictions
* Comfort eating
* Touching objects/people
* Counting
* Putting something down or picking something up

How Can Hypnotherapy help?

Hypno-analysis can be extremely effective in removing the symptoms of the problem, allowing you to once again to enjoy your life.

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